Thursday, August 8, 2013

Another Thing that Bugs Me

A couple of weeks ago there were a bunch of fabulous photo’s taken of Sharon Stone for New You Magazine (see below). They were posted and reposted all over the internet. Sharon Stone looked fantastic. Here’s the part that bugs me.

Quotes from Sharon (from the article) are mostly about how great she feels and how it’s ok to age and how it’s sexy to be who you are! So, why are the “fabulous” shots of Sharon all airbrushed and retouched so that she looks wrinkle-less and fresh in a way that only a magazine photoshop editor can manage? And everyone is all awww, ohhhhh, wowwwww, so pretty. C’mon people, you can look like that too if you have a “team” at a photo shoot to capture you in a great setting, blow your hair back, and then blur out the lines, brighten up the white teeth and eyes, etc. She is a very pretty woman, super pretty in fact, and in her mid 50’s! Can we not show the super pretty pictures of her that are real? I found some photos below, including the photo below of her taken recently at Cannes – and this is probably a paparazzi or media photo, so printed before it’s all touched up and ok’d for publicity.  She is gorgeous. And she has a few well-earned wrinkles. Again, let me repeat, SHE IS GORGEOUS!
This is the Cannes shot - Getty Image
Also a Getty Image from an event where she looks real (and great)!
Again, a real photo - sorry - don't have a credit for the pic
I think it’s a big huge fucking dis-service to all of us that we now think that even the “gorgeous” people have to have all their soul scrubbed off before they can make the cover of a magazine. Hey Oprah, you too lady!!! Yes, I’m talkin’ to you. Years of acceptance of who you are, we are, all of us are, and you still have to have every single cover of O Magazine turn you into a completely photo-shopped angelic version of yourself. Sick of it. And you, Oprah, more than any other woman in the world, probably have enough power to say "hey, make me look good, but not like someone that looks like a pretend version of me and about 20 years younger!"

And, yes… I know… nobody wants to buy magazines with covers that make people look like crap – we see those people and ourselves every day – but can we at least find a happy medium somewhere? Am I crazy here, what do you think, is this bugging you too? 

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