Friday, February 13, 2015

This scares me

I've seen this article going around social media the last few days and it is so interesting and also so scary. It's about a woman who tweeted something completely stupid and how within a period of a few hours her tweet went viral and basically wrecked her life. If you have a chance to read it, please do. 

It seems that in the real time world of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc... we all have equal opportunity to make complete asses of ourselves but also the opportunity to bully the hell out of someone. This article is such a good reminder to slow it down and think carefully about what we are tweeting and posting, in what context it will be seen or read, and what the point is... really. The best part of the article is that you don't have to choose a side here - because it's all bad. Obviously, whether any post is just plain mean or racist or ugly - it's bad, but the pack mentality of bullying that person is really ugly too. 

I'm going to try harder from here on out because I know that I am guilty (to some degree) of judging and also of bullying too.... Let's all not be so judgy - on all sides of it. Whether our posts or tweets are meant to be tongue in cheek, or funny or whatever - we don't have to agree with every tweet we read but maybe we could TRY NOT TO RUSH TO JUDGMENT! And my God - the relentless bullying - at the very least, let's try to make the punishment fit the crime.

Glass houses people!!!! Haven't we all done or said something so stupid, embarrassing or shameful in our long lives? Things we'd rather forget? If anyone out there is perfect - then you may go ahead and judge, but if you are a human being who is on a journey in this life like the rest of us, making mistakes and learning things along the way, maybe a little forgiveness and understanding is in order.

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