Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Monday, December 9, 2013

Figgy Pudding

Here in Seattle there's a little annual Holiday tradition called Figgy Pudding. It's a fundraiser for the Food Bank at Pike Market. Every year the streets of downtown Seattle close down for a caroling competition - and crowds of people walk around and listen and vote for favorites and then the winners get called up to the main stage at the end for a "sing off". Anyone can assemble a caroling group, some are corporate groups like Starbucks or Amazon, and sometimes the groups are just friends who like to sing badly. Some of the singing is traditional, sometimes songs are sung to the tune of a Holiday favorite, but might be completely different in lyrics. It's a lot of fun, and we've attended it for the past few years with friends- super fun thing to do during the season.

This year we were a little weak in our participation. It was so cold that we couldn't get out of the apartment to see the carolers, but we made it down to the main area in time for the last of the finals. Oh well. Still awesome and fun to be a part of the crowd. 

And especially awesome that a certain friend brings the baby boozes to make the season even brighter. Woop woop! 

Friday, August 9, 2013

A Word about Girlfriends

This weekend the gals are coming out to the farm for some chick time. I am SO EXCITED! We will have so much fun laughing and eating and drinking and hanging out. 

How lucky am I to have some of the nicest friends ever? SUPER SUPER LUCKY! One friend is in town from Sun Valley, another one is on the way out of town for a long stay in Italy, another friend just got back from almost 9 years living abroad - and another one is a transplant here from Memphis. So, this is our first time all back together in a long long time, and we're pretty whipped up about it. 

Here's a thing about chicks. If you meet women who don't have women friends - watch out for those ladies. Something is NOT right about that. All the good gals have good gal friends. I have lots of different groups of friends, and they all have good girlfriends too - good chicks attract other good chicks. If you meet someone who wants to be friends, and you find out that they don't have other friends - it better be because they just moved to your town. If they have no friends but have lived in your town their whole lives - be very suspicious. 

To you men out there - DO NOT date or marry a gal that doesn't have her own friends. You'll be sorry. Healthy relationships are made of lots of other healthy relationships. Men need men friends, women need women friends, men need lady friends, ladies need men friends, men and women need gay friends, young people need old friends, humans need animal friends - and everyone should be friends with bacon. Follow that reasoning, and your life will be happy.

Have a good weekend. Go make a new friend!

Oh, ps. Last night we hosted an alumni cocktail party event for my husband's high school. It was for all the people who live in the Seattle area that went to this particular boarding school back in New Hampshire. I got to meet a whole bunch of really nice new friends, who are you going to meet this weekend?