You know how when people are being dicks and they say DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY after they shit all over you? I hate that expression. Somewhere, sometime in the last 20 or 30 years or so it has become socially acceptable to say whatever mean thing you want, and as long as you follow up with ...Don't take it personally..., then somehow the dickish comment made is perfectly ok and you have no recourse..... because ohhhhhh nooooo.. you'd be "taking it personally".
I checked out Urban Dictionary, here's their second definition of DON'T TAKE IT PERSONALLY. I knew I was right. Next time, I'm throwing punches!
A phrase people use as a disclaimer to make an excuse to say or do something rude or mean to you to prevent you from having a poor self-image or so there won't be repercussions and make you feel they still like you even though they probably don't.