I look forward to Friday mornings because on the drive into work I get to listen to the StoryCorp segment at 7:20am on our local NPR station KUOW. I love StoryCorp! It restores my faith in humanity. And all it is is recorded segments that ordinary people have made in an audio booth - little snippets about people and their ordinary lives and their interactions with others. It's completely heart-warming and will make you cry almost every time.
Today at lunch there was a larger segment on the radio about this being the 10th anniversary of StoryCorp. Scott Simon and the StoryCorp founder Dave Isay were chatting about the program and its start and they were sharing some of the stories from the past 10 years! I spent the whole lunch in the car bawling. It was great.
Apparently there are StoryCorp Audio campers that go around the country gathering stories from people who care to sit down and record something. And apparently Dave Isay has written a book, Ties that Bind, which is a collection of interviews from over the 10 years. Completely awesome and worthwhile - and maybe a good stocking stuffer this year. I think if you go online to KUOW or your own NPR station you can listen to todays story, but definitely listen to the Friday segments - they are so great! Plus, it seems like this time of year being so close to Thanksgiving, wouldn't it be such a nice time to interview your own parents, siblings, grandparents - and get things recorded! It would be fun to do while everyone is socializing and getting ready to eat. I think I'm going to try to set up my own little recording booth from now on and get all the good nuggets from everyone - before it's too late. We're not getting any younger people!!! Thanks StoryCorp - you're the best!