Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

It's Christmas time in the city!

Seattle is all dressed up for Christmas and I love every minute of it. Here are a few pics from a little city tour we did last night. Downtown over to Queen Anne, around and back. More to come because I'm not sure I'm over it yet.

4th Avenue
Outside Hotel Andra on 4th
Construction cranes in South Lake Union

12th man! Go Hawks - combining Christmas and a little Seahawks love!
Space Needle
City views from Highland Drive QA

Even simple lights are pretty - in front of an apartment building on QA
Most well done and just gorgeous - my favorite of the night

I hope a kid lives here
Looking from QA toward Ballard

Looking south on 5th Avenue. Walls of tree lights - awesome!
And possibly the worst house ever - I'm not sure the photo will do it justice, but it looks
like Christmas threw up all over the lawn. I'm choosing to believe that the parents who live here are
so great that they let the kids decorate the entire property - no matter how embarrassing.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Only 22 days to hear this song over and over!

I love Christmas time, and I love Christmas songs and I am now going to share with you a NUGGET of triumphant joy that will make your entire Holiday season. You're welcome.

The Cory Band - Stop the Cavalry

Now go forth and sing along LOUDLY until your husband can't take it anymore! Ah, I heart Christmas.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree....

I know! It's not even Thanksgiving yet..... but I have Christmas on my mind...... which reminds me of a little story - that I shall tell you now so that you will understand that sometimes Christmas can turn you into a shitty and selfish ass! Yes, it happened to me. Learn from this and I will feel better... someday.

The first year Kit and I had a tree together, maybe 2007, I was pretty one track minded about how I wanted our tree to look. I thought I was going to decorate the prettiest tree EVER OF ALL TIME and he would just be in awe and angels would sing and he would forever look to me as the greatest thing he ever found. 

Well, not exactly. I worked and worked and worked on the tree and made it all perfect and every ornament was perfect and pretty and exactly right. Unfortunately, I ignored every single one of his ornaments, all of his childhood tree traditions and just about every single sentimental thing that made Christmas special for him. I also failed to include him in setting the tree up, or putting the lights on it, anything. It was pretty much a one track mind shut-out (which at the time I had no idea I was doing). So, after it was all done, and I was in Christmas euphoria basking in my own awesomeness, he was sort of moping around the house. Finally I drag out of him (because he is super super nice and didn't want to hurt my feelings) what a selfish ass I was being and that in one afternoon I managed to make him feel like he didn't even exist in our Christmas plans, and that basically I sucked the Christmas wind right out of him. 

I have felt so badly about that year that since then, I have hardly been able to decorate the tree without hearing this in my head: "What an ass you were!" Now we incorporate his ornaments too (even if some of them don't fit my "theme"). And lucky for me, Kit is nice so he doesn't hold it against me. 

New Holiday Rules:

1. When you are single or when you are an old lady and all alone, feel free to have your tree EXACTLY the way you want it, with not a thing out of place. Ahh, enjoy.

2. When you have a boyfriend, or husband, or wife, or kids, or cats..... get over it. Your tree is not ALL ABOUT YOU - it's everyone's tree. So get with the program, drink a big glass of eggnog and let it go.

Here are a few ornaments I saw online that I think are beautiful - for my tree, or for a gift. 

 Icicles - by Breanna Daughtridge at Custom Made
Candy Cane inside glass - from Etsy - find it here!
Scalloped Glass Ornament - also from Etsy - find it here!

All the fruit ornaments came from Thames Glass.
I found them in a search for ornaments, and they are super charming!
They also have shells, and snowmen and other neat little things.