You should see my inbox every morning, day, night, middle of night, all the time. It's freaking loaded with the latest newest awesome offers, begging me to shop now for great great great great great great deals – and it’s nobody’s fault but my own that I get so many
emails – I obviously signed up for these services at some point in the past. Now,
I’m shellshocked- the offers never stop coming and I can’t keep
up. And, I realized something else this weekend too! While trying to shop for a handbag in a real store - I was just pissed that everything I wanted wasn't on super sale. WTF? I'm brainwashed into thinking I can only buy designer goods at discounted prices. Nordstrom must really love that. So I thought this might be a nice time to talk through some of these discounted fashion sites. I’ll just
go over the clothing sites right now, maybe later we can discuss all the furniture
sites out there calling my name. Here we go.
ShoeMint – I’ve ordered a few items here – just to check out
the shoes, because frankly they have some really cute shoes at very low low
prices. I had to see for myself if the product was good or not. I got some really cute silvery loafers – I like
them but they are sort of stiff and I haven’t gotten them broken in enough and
they hurt like hell – but still…..very cute. I also got some wedges – for around
$40 bucks – and while I think they will only last one season, they are super
cute too. I think the price/quality deal is pretty fair. Inexpensive for only ok construction and quality. I haven’t seen tons on this site that I love, but I still think it’s
a good option for inexpensive shoes.

Bluefly – Remember when this was the first site of this kind
and people were talking about it. Well, for the longest time I couldn't understand
why anyone ever liked it. I’ve never once found that their prices were worth
the time to look through the stuff– their discounts were always pretty lame compared to others.
I have never purchased anything here and probably wont. I have noticed recently that since all the other good sites have come online, Bluefly is starting to better their discounts to keep up. I'm not sure that will work for me though - I'm still a little bitter from past years and lousy discounts here. But feel free to check them out if you want.
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